I reapplied to dentistry at the University of Manchester - here's how.


Maryam Kadir

Maryam took a gap year tutoring with Yipiyap while she reapplied for her course.
She now studies Dentistry at the University of Manchester.

My name is Maryam Kadir and I am currently a 3rd year Dentistry student at the University of Manchester. Part of my journey into Dental School began with my experience as a Yipiyap tutor during my gap year before I started University.

Reapplying to dental school

I initially found out about Yipiyap during my 2nd year of college. At the time, my application to Dental School had been unsuccessful and I was therefore interested in finding opportunities that I could explore during my gap year. When researching into Yipiyap’s values and previous alumni experiences, I knew Yipiyap was the best fit for me whilst I reapplied to Dental School.

Building skills through work experience

The area within my experience with Yipiyap that captivated and inspired me the most was the fact that even at such a young age, I had a professional job in-school working alongside teachers as a member of staff, helping to inspire younger learners (and also earning money alongside was a compelling factor!).

My experience as a tutor changed both my professional and personal character irrevocably – my confidence developed and I became open to trying new things and my communication skills improved within two distinct demographics: my mature professional colleagues and aspiring younger students.

Yipiyap provided me with lifelong skills that will be necessary for me as a dental student (and hopefully a Dentist when I finish my degree!)

Cartoon of a dental mirror reflecting the Yipiyap logo.

Believe in yourself - you can do this!

My future aspirations currently involve; improving my clinical dexterity and knowledge, graduating and becoming a Holistic Dentist who always puts patients’ best interest first and eventually specialising in Restorative Dentistry.

To all my fellow students who have aspirations, whether its clinical, artistic or entrepreneurial – please do not give up. Believe in yourself, continue pushing your boundaries because your value is limitless!

Tutor BlogYipiyap