How I Found Inner Peace on my Gap Year

Yipiyap gap year tutor Sila Gumus.

Author: Sila Gumus

Sila spent her gap year changing young lives with Yipiyap, and is now studying at university.

My gap year has taught me a lot, from inner peace and healing to supporting young people through education. Empathising with younger people and watching them improve with their studies has truly touched my heart.

For that, I have to thank Yipiyap, the amazing opportunity that made all my teachings and sharing of knowledge possible.

As my gap year comes to a close, I’d like to share some tips with those who are just beginning theirs.

Tip 1: Use your gap year to find yourself.

Firstly: find yourself. Your studies at college and all the life events you’ve experienced over the past few years can leave you too busy to actually discover new things about yourself.

One great way of achieving this is by journaling and expressing your thoughts and feelings on paper. Another way is by trying out new experiences you have never done before and writing down how it went, whether that’s good or bad. (Like this!)

Alongside  tutoring, Sila used her gap year to travel around Turkey.

Tip 2: Plan ahead to your next steps.

Another important thing to consider in your gap year is the next steps you’ll take when it comes to an end. This is one reason why getting to know yourself is an important first step – it will inform this decision.

Some examples of what people do after taking a gap year are: going to university, working, apprenticeships, and even taking another gap year – if the first one didn’t quite scratch the itch!

Go slow with this and try to research all the opportunities out there, including ones you might not expect. For example, Yipiyap offers the opportunity to stay on after your gap year, further improve your teaching skills, and grow your career in new positions.

Tip 3: Don’t stress! A gap year is time to heal.

Remember to put the “gap” in gap year – this isn’t a time to stress. Find hobbies you enjoy, go travelling, spend time with family and friends.

Let your mental wellbeing recover from all that hard work and studying, because you deserve it! Alongside my work at Yipiyap, I decided to go travelling and had the time of my life in these moments. I travelled to Mersin, Istanbul, Bodrum, and Antalya. The beauty of these cities were all unique and the time I spent was absolutely amazing.

Cherish these moments and plan for the future, but do not dwell on it. We are living in the present and all that exists is what we’re able to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell in this very moment - so have fun end enjoy it!

Simple illustration of a stack of rocks in a pond, surrounded by falling maple leaves. An image of inner calm.