The Peerscroller by Yipiyap logo.

21st Century PSHE.
In class. In app. All in one minute.

Peerscroller Header 1.1 - Gen AI.jpg

What is Peerscroller?


Let's bring PSHE into the 21st Century.

  • Spark debate on the topics that matter with in-class starters
  • Social media style videos make the curriculum accessible
  • Fact-checked content that you can trust
  • Accessible 24/7 in-app for learners' burning questions
  • Full user analytics on engagement and topics of interest

Why Peerscroller works:

Simple cartoon of a staircase bearing the Peerscroller logo helping a person ascend to a shining star.

Wellbeing underpins everything.

PSHE and SEL lay the foundation for your learners' academic and personal success.

A simple cartoon of a speech bubble containing a smartphone bearing the Peerscroller logo.

Gen Z?

Shortform videos engage learners with key topics in a familiar social media-inspired format.

A simple illustration of a newspaper.

The world moves fast.
So do we.

We respond quickly to developing trends, like vaping, attendance, and video game loot boxes.


How do Peerscroller videos engage your learners?

Peerscroller videos use the same techniques to engage learners as the TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube videos they’re familiar with.

The key difference? Peerscroller addresses crucial PSHE and study skills topics.

Each video is fact-checked with trustworthy sources, and in-app filters ensure learners only ever see content that’s age appropriate, in line with Department for Education guidance.

So learners love it - and parents and teachers trust it.


How can we use Peerscroller?

A simple illustration of a blackboard bearing a Play button, with a simple figure stood in front presenting.

In-Class Starters
that spark debate in PSHE and form time

A simple illustration of a smartphone displaying the Peerscroller logo.

Scrollable Support
in your learners' pockets with the Peerscroller app

Simple illustration of a graduated response plan incorporating Peerscroller.

Respond Fast
with bitesized vids for your graduated response plan

Simple illustration of an alarm bell emblazoned with the Peerscroller logo.

Identify Trends
to discover what your learners want to know about


Designed to comply with:

A simple silhouette icon of a mortar board with a tick mark.

PSHE Association Curriculum

Simple illustration of a fingerprint with a tick mark.

ICO Age Appropriate Design Code

Keeping Children Safe in Education

What topics does Peerscroller cover?

Simple illustration of a rocketship blasting off. It bears the Yipiyap bird logo.

Careers and Options

Simple illustration of various hobbies: a music equaliser, a potted plant, a film strip, and a makeup brush and mirror.

Culture and Free Time

A simple illustration of various elements of digital life: a laptop displaying a padlock icon, a smartphone displaying a stormcloud icon, and a video game controller.

Digital Wellbeing

A simple illustration of an exam paper and some revision post-it notes.

Exams and Revision

A simple illustration of various aspects of a healthy lifestyle: a running shoe, a piece of fruit, and a brain emblazoned with a sunshine icon.

Health and Wellbeing

A simple illustration of a sprouting plant in soil.

Life Skills

A simple illustration of various aspects of civic engagement: a megaphone, a ballot box, and a pair of hands cradling the planet Earth.

Civic Engagement

A simple illustrtion of a credit card and a sack of money.

Financial Literacy

A simple illustration of a cartoon loveheart and a pair of hands, which may either be holding one another or shaking.


An illustration depicting various aspects of law and order: a gavel, a balaclava, and a set of scales.

Rights and Responsibility

A simple illustration depicting various aspects of school life: a school building with a clock, a textbook, and a striped necktie.

School and College Life

A simple illustration of a magnifying glass focused on a simple figure, beside a question mark. Representative of self-image and self-reflection.

Identity and Self Image

A simple cartoon. One panel shows a young peer tutor filming themselves with a ringlight and a smartphone. The next, shows the same video displayed on an interactive whiteboard in a classroom, with the class silhouette in front, hands raised.
The Peerscroller by Yipiyap logo.

Ready to put wellbeing in your learners' hands?