“Unsure about a gap year? I recommend Yipiyap.”

It all began in May of 2021 when Yipiyap came to present their opportunities to people considering taking a gap year - me being one of those who felt uncertain about my future plans - but now I feel more than delighted to have taken advantage of this opportunity. It’s been quite the journey from start to finish, so I want to take this moment to reflect upon it and share it with you all and perhaps it’ll help you decide if being a Yipiyap tutor is something you’d want to also take part in.

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Tutor BlogYipiyap
How to Respond to Feedback in the Workplace

Every week our franchisee and regional director, Richard Edge, curates our guide to professional development, Creating Giants, which lands with a bump in our tutors inboxes. Each issue is packed full of a whole host of ideas, hints, and tips to ensure that come July, our tutors are better equipped to navigate the professional world.

Recently our Head of Colleague Support, Hannah Allan, contributed with a piece on feedback and importantly, how to respond to it.

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2021 recruitment drive

It’s hard to believe that this year’s tutor cohort only has five months left in the role before they move onto their next stage in life, be it university or the work place. So, with only five months to go before we wave goodbye to our class of 2020/2021 and say hello to 2021/2022, we’d better get cracking with our recruitment drive. And cracking we are! Even though it’s February, we are in full swing with our 6th form and college presentations, receiving applications, and interviewing. And, dare I say it, issuing our first contracts!

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